Denim was an entirely new category for Everlane, and one of the most ambitious product launches I was involved in. The product took more than 2 years to develop, and tis release involved 4-months of planning and production to execute.
For the campaign, I designed a multi-week, interactive portal that hyped the product and educated customer’s about the industry. The site evolved week-to-week, revealing new creative and stories as the launch date grew closer. In addition, my team shipped an entirely new shopping experience for the site that made it easier for customers to explore each fit and preview them across different body types.
The denim's teaser site featured a countdown over the 2-week drip campaign.
Early design concepts for the factory landing page
Full scroll experience for the denim factory landing page
Snippets from the factory landing page, which highlighted the denim's sustainable manufacturing process.
The custom denim shop featured expanded product details, a comparison tool, and additional editorial moments.
Marketing emails and social collateral from the hype campaign.
A few days before the launch, we shut down the Everlane website in order to promote the product.